Thursday, March 18, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Wii the Holy Spirit

The topic of the Holy Spirit is one that has brought controversy and confusion within the walls of the church. Maybe one of the reasons this is true is because the Holy Spirit is so mystical. We can picture Jesus because he became human. But when we try to picture the Holy Spirit no image comes to our mind. Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to the wind. But we can't see the wind only it's effects. Also adding to our confusion is that so much of the Holy Spirit is about our experience. Who is the Holy Spirit and what do wii believe about him?  We'll try and shed some light on that question this week.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Gary

1 comment:

  1. Gary,
    I recently heard the term "Drunk with the Spirit", I have been unable to locate any scripture on this and was wondering if you could give an explanation of this and where LBF stands.
