Thursday, January 30, 2014

Life Kids Tuck God’s Word into Their Hearts

By Laurie Baiz, Director of Life Kids Children’s Ministry

Hello January 2014! With every new year there is a feeling of starting fresh and getting life back into routine after all the wonderful festivities that come along with celebrating our Savior’s birth. Hopefully our memory verse program for the 1st-4th graders will be one of the activities in your family’s weekly routine. This program has two purposes: teach kids to work together for a common goal as a group and encourage them to memorize God’s Word and tuck it into their hearts. This part of our Sunday morning program begins in worship with a time called “Traditions.” During Traditions the kids are given the opportunity to recite the memory verse and/or show their teacher that they have brought their Bibles. For each tradition that they do, they receive one Lego block to build on the Traditions wall. When the Traditions wall is full of Legos, the whole class will pause as a community and celebrate, with a fun treat or activity. 

Another part of this program that is different than our previous program is the verse that the kids are learning is reviewed for a month at a time. Although the verse is longer, focusing on one verse for a longer period of time gives the kids the opportunity to truly know the verse and have it stick with them. The memory verse, or as we refer to it, “Remember Verse,” is practiced with the kids during our Traditions time and the teachers also review it with the kids in their small group when time permits. The Remember Verse cards are located at every sign-in table along the hall and our teachers have them in the classroom for the kids to take home as well. Also new this year, I will be setting up a monthly email with the Remember Verse on it that you can subscribe to. So be on the lookout for more information on how to sign up and receive the information electronically! 

The new curriculum and program is going great and although the kids have not quite filled up their Traditions wall, I know with continued support and practice from home they will reach their goal soon!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Come and See

Over the past year, I have added something new to my daily routine. At least once every day, I check for the kindle deals of the day. Everyday there are a handful of books on a special deal. They will be 2 or 3 dollars. Sometimes I will recognize the books, but most of the time I don’t. So if a book looks interesting to me, and if I am thinking about taking a chance on it, I look into it. Now, I know we are only talking about a few dollars, but I hesitate before plunging in and buying it just because the subject matter seems interesting. I read some reviews. I read the endorsements. I see how readers are rating the book. Sometimes I even read an excerpt of it. I do all these things to try to find out if I will like it, just like if you read reviews of a movie or a restaurant or a car before you buy it.

But despite all this digging, there is only one way to know whether or not I will like it, right? What do I need to do? I need to read it for myself. Others can like it or hate it, endorse it or warn about it, but I need to check it out for myself if I am going to find out whether or not I think it is worth reading.

This Sunday we will encounter some of Jesus’ earliest followers as He invites them to put their trust in Him. He invites them to buy what He’s selling. And we will see Jesus invite them—and us—not simply to take the word of others when it comes to His credentials. He invites us to come and see for ourselves.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Forward Motion

By Matt Sasso, Pastor of Student Ministries

We’ve all made resolutions and set goals, but too often we fall short of what we expected to accomplish. Unfortunately it’s often the same when we try to become the Christian we really believe God has called us to be. We fall short of the goal and become increasingly discouraged. So many times we look at our lives with great expectations, thinking we should be leaps ahead of where we are. We expect perfection. We expect to arrive at some level. The reality is that following Christ isn’t about leaping to instant perfection. 

We’re walking with Him daily – a walk that involves steps, not leaps. Following Jesus Christ is about the small steps we make everyday – steps of obedience, steps in relationship with Him. Sometimes those steps are small, sometimes they are big, but they are all still steps, moving us forward. It’s a lifelong journey – a process, a walk. Following Jesus is about the steps we take everyday, and as Christians, we have divine help in taking those steps – from the Holy Spirit. 

In this series, your student will learn that following Christ is more about the small steps we take everyday than about the huge leaps of faith that we think we need to make. We hope your student is encouraged as we think about the steps that they need to take to move forward in their relationship with God.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Responding With Worship

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship

Psalm 150:
1Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.
2Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.
3Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet; praise him with the harp and lyre,
4praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe,
5praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
6Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

We can take all kinds of things away from this passage of scripture. 1) We are supposed to worship God. 2) We are given some ways TO worship God. 3) Worship is a response to God. C.S. Lewis said, “Praise is the culmination of our enjoyment of anything.” So allow me to pose some questions I have wrestled with through the years, even recently. When we come to church each Sunday and the music starts and it is “time to worship,” what is that time a culmination of for you? Is our response in worship based on whether or not we enjoy the music? Is it contingent on if we enjoy the atmosphere in the room? Is our ability to worship determined by how our week has been? Is our response a response in the moment based on our mood when we walk through the Worship Center doors?

For me, at varying points in my life the honest answer to all these questions is, “yes!” And I have found myself being content with believing that God didn’t really expect anything more from my worship than to follow the leader, do my best, eek through, and tolerate whatever service or music was in front of me and circumstances happening in my life. The reality is, the praise of God should be one thing: our response to God. Anything else is man-made, contrived, and an act that we put on the way we act polite when going to a relative’s house where we know our parents expect us to be polite. If worship is not in response to and directed to God, we are literally singing for our own enjoyment (or out of guilt to go along with a program). When we see worship happen in the Bible, it is not because it is “time to worship.” It happens as an overflow, as a response to a move of God in someone’s life, a response that cannot be stifled or held back. 

Mark 1:40-45: “A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. ‘If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,’ he said. Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’ Instantly the leprosy disappeared, and the man was healed. Then Jesus sent him on his way with a stern warning: ‘Don’t tell anyone about this. Instead, go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.’ But the man went and spread the word, proclaiming to everyone what had happened.”

When one has an encounter with the living God, the response is worship. When one has an understanding of the power of God, the response is worship. When someone truly surrenders to the Lordship of Christ, the response is worship. When we seek first the Kingdom of God and in His faithfulness He adds all that is according to His will, our response will be worship. 

In this context I can recognize how small my singing for the sake of singing is. In far too many settings my singing has been a response to a worship leader telling me to, or because I have been conditioned to sing whatever is on a screen in a church service, or if a particular song does or doesn’t move me. The hymnist Isaac Watts said, “God values not the service of men if the heart be not in it. The Lord sees and judges the heart. He has no regard for outward forms of worship if there be no inward adoration. It is therefore a matter of infinite importance to have the whole heart engaged steadfastly for God.” Real worship can only happen when the condition of our heart is steadfastly toward God; not when the music is just right, or when we are in the mood, but when our pursuit of God is at the forefront. When that happens, whether life is good or bad, whether we are at church or in the car stuck in traffic, we can authentically worship because we are authentically bringing ourselves to God.

For a period of time at LBF we are going to simplify our approach to God musically. Our desire is, and always has been, to provide the opportunity to worship through music because it is a great way for us to join together with one voice and praise God, declare our faith, and intentionally invite
His Spirit to move among us. There is no magic music style or band instrumentation. We see everything from complex instrumentation as in Psalm 150 – to a simple shepherd in a field with a lyre. Yet simplifying things musically does offer a greater flexibility to stop, reflect, and even respond with fewer distractions in front of us. So you will not see a full band as we typically have on Sundays. The music will take on a more acoustic feel with a single person or small group on the stage to lead.

As those of us in the worship ministry, both staff and volunteers, take this period of time to intentionally and passionately pursue God and His will and calling on our life, we anticipate and expect God to move in some new ways among our church. We believe that God has so much more for us than any ritual or routine can provide. So as we simplify and the music fades, may this be a time that each of us can approach the throne of grace in a very intimate and authentic way, with confidence, and invite the Holy Spirit to move among us. It must never be about what happens on a stage, who is leading, song selection, or anything else. It must always be about allowing our hearts to be steadfast toward God and seeking Him; not just on Sundays at church when it’s “time,” but everyday in every aspect of our lives.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

This Weekend's Message: God's Final Word

Every once and a while my wife and I will look at a photograph of one of our children and say, “That picture doesn’t really look like him.” Now, we don’t mean that the facial features aren’t correct or that his size or pigment is different than normal. All of the facts about the child may be correctly reflected in the picture, but the picture doesn’t capture what he is really like. The pictures that we love the most are the pictures that not only seem to capture our sons’ physical features, but also their personalities and demeanor.

Throughout the Old Testament, God revealed Himself in many ways. His creation spoke truths about Him. He sent prophets to tell people about Him. He appeared through dreams and angels and miraculous events in order to present Himself to people. He inspired His people to keep a written record of His laws and His interventions in their history. But these all served as photographs for God’s people. They told truths about God, but the full truth about Him still seemed hidden...until God sent His Son.

This Sunday we will kick off our series through the Gospel of John. And in this first section of his book, John will peel back the veil and give us a glimpse of how Jesus reveals the core truths about God.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Helping the Homeless

By Gary Keith, Lead Pastor

A recent study has identified at least 200 people who are living on the streets, in fields, or under freeway overpasses right here in Upland. Many of these people are not what we normally think of when it comes to homelessness. Many of these people were displaced as a result of the economic downturn in 2008. And it’s not just about single men and women who are living in chronic homelessness; it’s also about families with children. It’s a great need and we’re called by Jesus to respond. 

Meeting this need is complex and difficult. It’s about more than simply finding these people and placing them in an apartment. To really embrace this problem takes a much larger commitment of time, patience, and love. It requires making an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of people who find themselves in poverty and homelessness and responding to those needs with
a holistic approach.

Helping the homeless can also be intimidating. It’s like heading out into uncharted waters. We don’t feel well equipped, the challenges are complex, each situation is unique, and we certainly don’t have all the answers. We are fearful that we’re going to let someone down. We’re afraid the burden and responsibility will be too great. These issues paralyze us and as a result, we just don’t get involved. 

The Open Table Solution
Open Table is a ministry organization with strategies and resources for helping families move from poverty to personal health and productivity. Through Open Table, you don’t need to have all the answers and you won’t bear the burden all alone. A collaborative team of 12 people will work together to solve the complex issues of re-establishing a person or family out of homelessness into stability. 

Picture a large table with 13 chairs. One chair is for the family we are assisting, the other 12 chairs are for people to come alongside and help. Each chair represents a different area of responsibility – for example, housing needs, finances, transportation, education, job skills, etc. Each person sitting at the table will take responsibility for their area and help the family regain their footing. The 13 people at the table are working together to bear the burdens and responsibility to bring the family to long-term health and wholeness.

This month LBF will officially begin a new project in alignment with our Love in Action
vision called Open Table. This is a project that has been several years in the making and it is all about connecting with our community and helping the homeless.

This project has two phases. Phase one includes partnering with Mercy House in
Ontario by sponsoring families while they are in their program. During this time we will
receive training from Mercy House and then be assigned to a person or family who has been taken off the street and have entered into Mercy House’s program. 

Mercy House does more than just house people. They also have programs designed to meet the specific needs of each family so that at the end of their program, they will have a better opportunity for success. During the time they are living at Mercy House, LBF members will meet the family and become acquainted with them. We want to be an encouragement to these families while they are in the program at Mercy House and create a foundation of relationship that we will build from when we launch phase two.

Phase two begins once they are released from Mercy House. It’s at this time that we will move from sponsoring a family to adopting a family. We will build upon the relationship started during their time at Mercy House and continue that relationship for the next 12 months. 

During these next 12 months we will assist this family in a variety of ways. Our goal is to wrap our arms of love around them and help them complete the process they began at Mercy House. 

As I mentioned earlier, what we are about to embark on has been several years in the making. This new effort takes into consideration the needs and the barriers to solving those needs, and provides a solution that really falls upon all of us as followers of Jesus. 

But in our church we will share the load of this need together. And together we will help people out of poverty, while at the same time we will have the opportunity to address their spiritual need as well. I could not be more excited for this opportunity and the impact it will have in our city and in our church, but more directly in the lives of people God allows us to love.

Next Steps
There you have it. This project involves our church, Mercy House, and Open Table. Together we have the privilege of helping people in very real and tangible ways. 

If this type of project makes your heart beat fast or you feel like you can’t wait to become involved, I want to invite you to an informational meeting on January 26, at 12:15 p.m. in The Garage. Lunch will be included.

In the meantime, please be part of this effort by praying for the families that God will bring into our lives, for the people from this church who will be engaging face to face with those in need, for the two organizations we are partnering with, and for the desire to grow this ministry and see it impact our city for Jesus.

There is a huge opportunity to put our love into action. Will you be part of the team?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Goal of LIFE Groups: Better Understand the Bible & Each Other

By Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life

As we begin the New Year, LBF Church is set to once again launch a new LIFE Group season. The LIFE Group program at LBF is made up of many different kinds of small groups with one common thread: the goal is to better understand the Bible and better support one another.

Our hope is that the experience of being part of a LIFE Group will further benefit you and your family in a variety of ways: 
  1. You will gain a deeper understanding of the Bible in a LIFE Group. If you’ve ever listened to a Bible teacher or pastor and wanted to ask, “But what about…?” or “I don’t understand...,” then a LIFE Group can help. In a small group setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations you are trying to grasp. 
  2. You will begin to really feel like you’re part of God’s family. Most people who have been a part of a group say the greatest benefit is the close relationships and friendships that develop. They will frequently call each other during the week to share an urgent prayer request or exciting news. You’ll discover that your needs and problems are not unique – we’re all in the same boat.
  3. Prayer will become more meaningful to you. Many people are hesitant to pray in front of others, especially in a large church. In a small group of six to 12, you will learn to participate in prayer by having a conversation together with God. No one is pressured to pray, but as you become comfortable, you’ll be able to join in. 
  4. You will be able to handle stress and pressure better. LIFE Groups provide excellent support in times of crisis, change, and stress. You’ll have a sense of stability and security knowing there are people who really care for you and are committed to standing with you. Many people in our church could testify that they would not have made it through a difficult time if it hadn’t been for the support of their group.
  5. You will have a natural way to share Christ with friends, relatives, and work associates. It may be that some of your friends who don’t know the Lord will not visit a church. But those same people may be open to an invitation to a casual Bible discussion in a home or office setting. In a LIFE Group, your unbelieving friend can ask questions and express honest doubts without feeling put on the spot.
  6. You will develop leadership skills and confidence! The Bible teaches that every believer is given certain talents or “gifts” to benefit others in the family of God. Unfortunately, most Christians remain Sunday morning spectators all their lives because large group meetings are primarily “sit and listen” situations. As you share and participate in a relaxed small group setting, you’ll discover your confidence and self-esteem rising. 

This January we will have many opportunities to join a group. We will have options in both men’s and women’s ministries, along with traditional LIFE Groups that meet in homes. 

Be sure to sign up this weekend, and if you have any questions you may contact Phil Shahbaz, Pastor of Community Life, at (909) 981-4848.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Changed by God's Word

About 10 years ago the movie Mystic River was released. The movie was based on the bestselling book by Dennis Lehane. I had read the book multiple times and highly anticipated the movie. After watching it, I glimpsed at an online forum in which people were discussing the ending of the movie. The ending involves an interaction between the characters played by Sean Penn and Kevin Bacon. A number of people found the interaction to be enigmatic. In the forum, people were posing their theories.           

Since I had read the book, the ending was not confusing to me at all. Dennis Lehane’s intention was clear in the book, even though some thought it was not completely clear in the movie. So, out of my deep desire to help, I posted on the forum. I let them know what the ending meant. After all, it was not a mystery. The author of the story had spoken on the subject. Oddly enough, the people in the forum seemed to shrug off my post. They continued on with their theories. I was mystified by this. So I posted again, explaining that the author of the story had made the ending clear. Once again, my post seemed to fall on deaf ears. They missed out on the opportunity to understand the story, and opted to generate their own theories.
We all want to make sense of life. There are all kinds of theories concerning how we understand the reality around us. But if the author of the story has spoken, wouldn’t it seem wise to consult him?
God has spoken through His Word, the Bible. The Bible is not a set of rules or a how-to manual. The Bible is God’s communication about Himself and about reality. And when we allow the author of the story to inform our understanding of reality, this changes everything about the way we approach life.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

An Outsider for Jesus – Short-term Missionaries

By Russ Parker, Pastor of Administration & Missions

Before coming on staff here at Life Bible Fellowship Church, I worked in marketing for an office products manufacturer. We were a growing company and many employees (me included) had lots of great ideas for the future of our company. But the leaders were often slow to listen to the employees. Instead, the leaders – probably like lots of companies – loved to bring in outside consultants to advise on ideas and future direction. Nine times out of 10, it seemed the consultants recommended the same exact ideas the employees had already offered to our leaders. The difference? The company leaders actually listened to the outside consultants. 

As frustrating as that experience was (and is if it happens to you), there’s the reality that sometimes an outsider has greater access and potential for impact than insiders have. Outsiders don’t bring in baggage, precedence, bias, or political agendas that insiders may carry with them. As a result, outsiders can be uniquely positioned to be powerful influencers. 

...for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:13–15)

When we travel outside of our culture to share the Gospel, we embrace this great opportunity to influence and proclaim the risen Christ. Jesus celebrates our actions. How beautiful are our feet! We follow His example as He traveled into other cultures, preaching and proclaiming His coming. And we do so in partnership with God’s greater Church. Though we are outsiders, we partner with insiders – churches, missionaries, advocates and organizations – who have long-standing and ongoing work. 

In 2014, LBF is sending out four international, short-term missions teams. We are heading to Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and China. We will be outsiders, partnering with insiders to serve the needs of people and proclaim the Good News of Jesus. Would you pray and consider joining one of our teams? I know for many the thought of traveling outside of the United States is terrifying. Add to that sharing your faith and it’s a deal-killer. Would you pray anyway? Perhaps this is exactly what God wants for you. He wants you to depend on Him daily. He wants you to follow Him – wherever He leads. He wants you to be weak so He can reveal His power. He wants you to grow in Him. 

An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, January 19, at 10:45 a.m. (during third service) in The Garage. Register for the informational meeting here:

Honduras Dates: May 3-10, 2014
Type of service: Ministry to Orphans
Partnering with: Emmanual Orphanage
Approximate cost: $1,200-2,000
Scriptural inspiration: “Although my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord will take me up” (Psalms 27:10).
About: Emmanual Orphanage was founded in 1989 with a vision to evangelize and disciple children so that they may grow up to be living lights and good examples in the ways of God to their countrymen. Currently the orphanage is home to 550 children. Teams have the potential to serve in a variety of ways: VBS, arts and crafts, carpentry, farm work, school, music, painting, devotions, construction, maintenance, sports, and more. We’ll be working with the orphanage during our trip planning to meet the greatest needs they might have. 

Nicaragua Dates: May 11-17, 2014
Type of service: Drilling a clean water well and hygiene training
Partnering with: Living Water International (LWI)
Approximate cost: $2,500
Scriptural inspiration: “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
About: LWI exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water” – the gospel of Jesus Christ – which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. Our team will spend a week building friendships, educating, and working alongside a specific community that needs clean water. With the help of LWI’s local staff, we’ll drill a clean-water well and install a hand pump. We will educate the community on hygiene practices to help encourage sanitation and health. Throughout this process we will share our faith and the gospel message. Our team will be made up of eight “drillers” and four “hygiene,” for a total of 12 teammates. No previous drilling or hygiene experience is required. LWI’s local staff is there to guide and train you through it all. 

Mexico Dates: May 23-25, 2014 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Type of service: Building safe homes for those in need
Partnering with: Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)
Approximate cost: $500 (this includes funds to build the home)
Scriptural inspiration: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24-27).
About: Since October 1991, BCM has been serving the spiritual and physical needs of the poor through engaging short-term mission teams in Baja California, Mexico. Our team will spend a weekend with the opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and build a solid weather-proof home for a family in this poor community. Our team will consist of 15 individuals willing to step out of their comfort zone and allow God to use their hard work to bless a family in need. No home building experience required, however some comfort with tools and a willingness to follow instructions is preferred.

Dates: 10 days total. Late June/late July 2014.
Type of service: Teaching conversational English
Approximate cost: $2,500-3,500
Scriptural inspiration: “Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone” (Colossians 4:6).
About: Our English language provides Americans with a unique opportunity to build relationships with Chinese who desire to practice their conversational English language skills. Many Chinese have learned the nuts and bolts of our English Language, but do not have many opportunities to practice their language skills with a native speaker. And as you help students practice English through your “language practice conversations,” it’s amazing how God can direct your conversations into spiritually meaningful topics and experiences. Are you wondering if you’re qualified? Do you speak English? Are you willing to go, serve, and share your life? No previous teaching experience is necessary.
Nor do you need to speak Chinese (Mandarin). Our LBF Team Leaders happen to be fluent in Mandarin and you’ll be speaking English with your students!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Getting Things Resolved

By Dan Franklin, Pastor of Teaching 

I was recently reading an article about New Year’s resolutions. It was not an encouraging article. It walked through the 10 most common resolutions and then gave statistical information on how most people fail to follow through on those resolutions. People join gyms in January, but by February, 60% of those memberships are unused. People vow to stop smoking, but only about 15% are smoke-free after six months. Similar statistics were given for those who resolve to get out of debt, travel to new places, or spend more time with their families. It painted a pretty bleak picture of people’s ability to follow through with their goals.

At the same time, most of us probably continue to look at the first of the year as a time to take stock and make goals. I want to take a moment to encourage us all to do this. Take stock and make goals. But I also want to encourage you that God gives us a different grid for how we will grow and move forward. Our hope for change is not in our own will power, but in the work of God in and through us. Because of this, I want to suggest three resolutions that are valuable for all of us.

Give yourself to God’s Word. The Bible is not God’s set of rules for us. God’s Word is His unveiling of who He is. God changes us through His Spirit (Galatians 5:16-18). We are transformed as we become increasingly clear on who God is (2 Corinthians 3:18). When we neglect God’s Word, the problem is not that we are breaking a Christian rule. The problem is that we are cutting ourselves off from how God has revealed Himself to us. When we read the Bible and think about it and pray about it and respond to it, we open ourselves up to the God who wants to break the chains of everything that enslaves us. So, how are you going to open yourself up to God changing you through His Word?

Give yourself to God’s people. About four years ago, I dropped some weight. I am convinced that the main reason I was successful was because I joined a group of a dozen others who were doing the same thing. People shared ideas and kept each other going. God has created us to be in relationships, and not to go it alone (Genesis 2:18). God created us to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:24-25), confess ours sins to one another (James 5:16), love one another (John 13:34), and experience unity in the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). When we join a LIFE Group, or connect with friends, or pray with others, we find that God uses other people to empower us to follow Him more closely. So, how are you going to open yourself up to God changing you through His people?

Give yourself to God’s work. For an athlete, the key to growth is not reading books or watching game film. The key to growth is action. This is true of any area of life. Those who speak in public improve when they get up and speak. Those who work in medicine grow when they practice medicine. If you want to grow in your relationship with God, the key is to respond to God in faith with simple steps of obedience. Whether this involves a mission trip or a service project, or whether it simply involves reaching out to a neighbor or writing notes of encouragement to people, God is calling everyone to take part in His quest to draw people to the freedom and life that He offers. So, how are you going to open yourself up to God changing you through His work?

As we begin 2014, I encourage you to approach this year with neither pessimism about your ability to change nor optimism about the power of your own will. I encourage you to approach this year with faith in God’s ability to bring transformation into your life, and with a faith-filled plan to open yourself up to His work in your life.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Changed by God's Work

I love all the new and ever-changing technology at our fingertips. For example, the power and potential of smartphones is simply amazing. What I once could only do on my $1,500 desktop computer is now available (plus a whole lot more) on my $100 smartphone. But with this changing technology I've learned that unless I can have someone talk me through the process, I'm lost. I can't read a manual (if one even exists) and hope to fully use the power of my smartphone. I need to learn by doing. How about you?

I've also noticed that the same thing is true when it comes to joining God in His work. I can read books about it. I can hear other people's stories about it. But unless I get out there and do it, I don't experience the full power of what is available. As we continue with our series "Changed" this week, we'll see what Jesus says about participating with God in the work He's doing. We'll also learn about how we can participate with God this year, throughout the world or right here in our own community.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Missions Conference in Turkey Sheds Light on Missionaries’ Needs

By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator 

In October I had the privilege of participating in a missions conference in Turkey. It is such an honor for me to be invited to help lead worship for this annual conference that is usually held in Thailand. This is a great opportunity for me to meet men and women serving the Lord in various locations who come to the conference to gain insights and tools that are necessary in caring for others who serve cross-culturally. I learn so much from those participating, and it gives me a better understanding of what our own LBF missionaries face as they serve.

One thing that seems to come up often when talking with missionaries is that many don’t hear from their church family, and they would love that contact. We need to remember that our LBF missionaries are part of our church family – they just don’t live here and can’t attend on Sundays. I thought it would be fun to highlight a missionary each month and include an email address. I would like to encourage you to consider sending an email just to let them know you’re thinking of them and praying for them. They would be so grateful to hear from you, even if you don’t know them. You could introduce yourself and let them know a little about you and your family. Your encouragement and prayer support is vital, as life cross-culturally is difficult and very challenging.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

This Weekend's Message: Changed by God's People

A surprising trend that has been taking place recently is the emergence of atheist churches. Yes, atheist churches. They are assemblies that gather together to sing songs, hear motivational speeches, experience community, and raise money for causes. They are, as one congregation puts it, “godless congregations that celebrate life.”

These atheist churches drive home a reality about humanity. That reality is that we are hard-wired to long for community. We aren’t simply machines that need food and water and information. We need relationships. And the most profound relationships take place when we share a transcendent belief in something. For Christians, that belief is that the true God has revealed Himself in Jesus. For the atheists who gather, it is some belief about humanity or the world or nature. Either way, we long to lock arms with people of like faith and support one another.

We live in a world that allows us to increasingly isolate ourselves. We rarely need to leave our homes because more and more things are personalized and available. But Scripture tells us that there are certain reasons why we need other Christians. This Sunday we will delve into a passage of Scripture that explores the connection in our lives between transcendent truths about God and the important role of God’s people.


Joni Brinkley Helps Train Summer Missionaries in Europe

By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator 

This last summer, one of our missionaries, Joni Brinkley, had the opportunity to participate in a conference called “Transform,” which was held in Italy. Joni serves with Operation Mobilization, and she was invited to be a speaker at the conference and encourage those attending to reach out with the light of Jesus to nations in the Mediterranean region. Here are some of her thoughts.

Sonya came from Estonia, Randy came from Germany, Claudia came from Brazil, and Grace came from Hong Kong. People from 30 nations came together in Rome to prepare for a summer of outreach to the Mediterranean nations – to make a difference in people’s lives. Christianity was founded in this part of the world. However, now if there are church buildings there, they are mostly empty. The percentage of people who follow Jesus in that region now is minuscule, both in southern Europe and in north Africa. Hopelessness abounds. 

I was invited to speak at this training conference, helping to equip this enthusiastic group for summer ministry. One evening when I spoke to the 340 participants on the topic “God is our Stronghold,” there was wonderful response from people who want to serve God, but feel wobbly in their walk. Do you ever feel that way? I did other workshops like “Refugees: the World is Coming to Us,” “Hearing God’s Voice,” and “Building Bridges to Share Jesus.” 

God helped me so much. The first day there, I was in a bus accident, escaping with only minor cuts and bruises. The last day there, I didn’t have enough money to cover my night’s lodging, even searching the ground for lost euros and praying for intervention while walking to the convent/motel. 

As I checked in, they informed me that since no private bathrooms were available, they would discount my stay by 8 euros! And every day in between He helped and encouraged me. God was so faithful to me. He always is for each one of us: we can be sure that when we step out, He steps up! 

You can read more about this Transform conference and stories about what God did through outreaches at Are you interested in going to Transform next summer? Write me at

It’s exciting to hear Joni’s report and realize that God is at work through LBF’s missionaries in bringing the truth of God’s word to many who have never heard it. Be praying for Joni as she encourages and trains college students and others who desire to “go” and serve.