Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank You for Making Pacific Lifeline Mothers Feel Special

Thank you for all who participated in LBF’s Outward Bound project for Pacific Lifeline on Saturday, May 8 – the Mini-Makeovers (and more!) for Moms. What a blessing you all were to the families – they were all so thrilled.

Here is an email I got from one of the families who attended. I am sure she speaks for everyone!

Yesterday was amazing. Please tell whoever sponsored the event that they really made us feel great. It was like a little family reunion also. I love those girls and I am so blessed to have made lifetime friends from the time that I lived at Pacific Lifeline and also through grad group. God bless you and Happy Mothers Day!

Also, from one of Pacific Lifeline’s staff members:

Saturday was a huge success! Everybody really enjoyed themselves!

As a member of LBF and a staff member of Pacific Lifeline, let me just say that it warmed my heart to see all of you working together, using your God-given gifts to serve…and it also warmed my heart to see moms, who have gone through so much, get pampered and have such beautiful smiles on their faces! What a wonderful Mother’s Day give you gave!

God bless you abundantly for the time, energy, and love you gave to Pacific Lifeline families.

Kirsten Grubb

This Weekend's Message: Got Generosity?

This week as we continue our study in Acts, we look at two examples of generosity. Let me ask you, who do you know that is generous? What, in your mind, makes them a generous person? What does it take to be a generous person? Does it take a lot of money? Does it take possessing a lot of stuff that you can share or give away? Can you be in great need or even in poverty and still be generous? And finally, what is the result of being generous?

This week as we discover how to be the church, we will learn the answers to all of those questions and more. You won’t want to miss this exciting story. Something happens this week that has never been repeated in all of history. And I think you’ll be happy about that. Hope to see you Sunday!

Oh, and this would be a great week to invite a friend to come to church with you – they’ll learn all about what it means to be generous and rest assured that no offering will be taken – I promise!

Pastor Gary

Monday, May 24, 2010

Reflections: May 23, 2010

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

As I think about the encounter that Peter and John had with the most powerful people in the land, I keep asking myself if I could have/would have done the same thing? The answer is a resounding NO! But then I read again about how it was that they had such boldness and I am filled with hope that I too will be able to stand in the face of adversity and proclaim the name of Christ and the truth of His gospel. It isn’t about being brave, it is about being empowered through the Holy Spirit.

Acts 4:5-8: The next day the council of all the rulers and elders and teachers of religious law met in Jerusalem. Annas the high priest was there, along with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and other relatives of the high priest. They brought in the two disciples and demanded, “By what power, or in whose name, have you done this?” Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them...

The key to living out our faith in Christ, particularly in the face of adversity, is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Of course a person is filled with the Holy Spirit at the moment they put their faith in Christ, but to allow the enabling of the Holy Spirit is something that we can ignore or shut down if we choose to allow fear to control us. Peter and John were not bold because they were brave, they were bold because they were empowered by the Holy Spirit and chose to allow Him to lead them.

Acts 4:29-30: And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

Where are you today with being able to make this your prayer? In your heart do you desire boldness that goes beyond bravery? Do you desire to allow your relationship with God to be more than a theology, and to see Him work powerfully in and through your life? It is all about the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This Weekend's Message: In the Face of Adversity

Have you ever been busted for doing the RIGHT thing? There is a well- known idiom that says, "No good deed goes unpunished," and we have all probably felt like that is true at some point in our lives. This week we are going to look at an experience that Peter and John had that could have been really deflating, and could have been reason enough for them to abandon the mission that Christ had given them were it not for the power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

Sometime between now and Sunday, check out the story in Acts 4:1-31, and come ready to be challenged to step out "In the face of adversity."
See ya Sunday,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Reflections: May 16, 2010

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

Wouldyou describe the faith you have in Jesus Christ as daring? I think chapterthree of the book of Acts describes the daring faith of Peter. Having the HolySpirit in you is still new, Jesus has not been gone all that long, and herecomes this man who is lame. I wonder if Peter asked, “What would Jesus do?" I wouldn’t be surprised if that crossed his mind. Peter, full of the Holy Spiritand in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, commands the man to walk. He thenreaches out to help him walk, they join hands, and the miracle occurs. Wow!
Peterwho had never done this models for us a daring faith. As we reflect a bit onthis passage there is so much we could discuss. Let’s focus a bit on the giftof healing. There was a strong purpose to this miracle – it was that theServant-Messiah (Jesus) would be glorified. So I have a couple of questions:Does God still heal today? Have you ever been “up close” to seeing God heal?How was the Servant-Messiah glorified in that healing?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

This Weekend's Message: A Daring Faith

A Daring Faith!
Acts 3

Are you a daring person? Do you like to tempt fate? Have you ever thought about swimming with sharks? How about jumping out of an airplane (with a parachute, of course!)? How about jumping off a bridge with a giant rubber band tied around your waist?  If you have given serious thought about doing any of these things, or better yet, if you have done any of these things, you might just be a daring person. It’s one thing to be daring with my life, but what does it mean to have a daring faith?

So far in our study of Acts we have seen that the promised Holy Spirit has arrived and the apostles are just beginning to understand what that means to their life and message. Peter has given his first sermon, the church is in its beginning stages, and now low and behold a miracle occurs - a real miracle of healing. What can we learn from Peter and this miracle of the healing of the lame man in chapter 3? That’s what we’ll consider this week as we look at Peter’s daring faith. Hope to see you Sunday.

Pastor Gary

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Reflections: May 9, 2010

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

To care forone another's needs is a high call. We see it all throughout scripture whereGod's people cared for one another and met the needs that they saw around them.In fact, scripture tells us that worship that God sees as real and genuine iswhen He sees us caring for the helpless (i.e. Widows and orphans).
So, what dowe do about it? I have been challenged to consider how I can meet needs, evenif it means sacrificing my own desires or comforts. It is not my place to tellyou what you should do, or give up. But But I invite you to join me inwrestling with the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to speak to our hearts and leadus to be the church as we care for one another.
Have a blessed week!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Be the Church

Weekend's Message by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
May 6, 2010
Do you have an idea of what the perfect church would be like? Would it be big or small? Contemporary or traditional? Staff led, or volunteer led? In an industrial structure or in a home?

Did the believers in the Bible have the perfect church? This weekend we are going to put to rest some of the ideas we have about the "perfect church" as we look at some of the good, the bad, and the realities of the early church and see what we can gain from what they did as they began "being the church"
in the name of Jesus.

Before this Sunday, open the Bible and read Acts chapter 2. I'd encourage you to read the whole chapter so you get the context of what is going on, and then we will be focusing specifically on verses 41-47. Consider what these verses mean for us today, and for you personally as a follower of Christ.

See ya Sunday,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Reflections: May 3, 2010

Weekend's Reflection by Gary Keith,
Executive & Teaching Pastor
May 3, 2010

The Adventure Gets Personal
Acts 2:22-41
This past weekend, we examined part two of Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost. People had just experienced the power of the Holy Spirit – they asked what just happened and in Peter’s explanation he gets personal by sharing his own story of Jesus. As we ask the question about how to be the church our answer not only includes doctrines that relate to Jesus – they also include the story of Jesus in our life.
How would you share with someone the story of Jesus in your life? Have you thought about it? Do you have something to share that demonstrates the power of Jesus in your life? Let me encourage you to take some time very soon to reflect on the story of Jesus in your life. After that be ready to share with others how Jesus has made a difference in your life – Jesus simply asks you to just share with others what you know – that is all – Let’s be ready to be the church by sharing our personal story of Jesus with others – Let’s not be afraid to get personal about Jesus – it might just change a life forever!
I’d love to hear about how this goes for you – let me know how sharing the story of Jesus in your life is received.