Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Got Generosity?

This week as we continue our study in Acts, we look at two examples of generosity. Let me ask you, who do you know that is generous? What, in your mind, makes them a generous person? What does it take to be a generous person? Does it take a lot of money? Does it take possessing a lot of stuff that you can share or give away? Can you be in great need or even in poverty and still be generous? And finally, what is the result of being generous?

This week as we discover how to be the church, we will learn the answers to all of those questions and more. You won’t want to miss this exciting story. Something happens this week that has never been repeated in all of history. And I think you’ll be happy about that. Hope to see you Sunday!

Oh, and this would be a great week to invite a friend to come to church with you – they’ll learn all about what it means to be generous and rest assured that no offering will be taken – I promise!

Pastor Gary


  1. A solicitor for a very honest and effective charity came to the door of a wealthy man to ask for a donation. The wealthy home owner replied, "You see my large and expensive home with an exotic car in the drivway and you assume I can afford to donate to your charity. Well, you don't realize I have a mother in poor health with mounting medical bills, a sister who is a missionary helping the poor in Mexico, and a son who devotes all his time feeding and clothing the desolate on Skid Row. Now why should I give you a penny when I've never given them one either!" Generosity comes from the heart, not the wallet!

  2. Glen,
    Thanks for that story and you are so very right - generosity starts in the heart. With Jesus it's always about the heart and we will see in the message today that when it comes from the heart it is good and when it doesn't - well I'm just sayin' look at the story in Acts 5!! I'm glad this was the one and only time this happened.
