Monday, June 25, 2007

Reflections: June 23-24, 2007

Our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones through the terrible car crash on Hwy 395 this past weekend. For more information on this tragic accident click here.

Please pray for the families involved and for First Presbyterian Church of Upland.

This accident has also touched our own church family as we are grieving with the Libutti family who lost their son Nick and with Karyn Chudasama who lost her sister Becca in this accident.
Many of you are wondering what you can do to help. We urge you to be an encouragement and support to the families involved.

Cards and letters for the Libutti family can be mailed to Life Bible Fellowship Church 2426 North Euclid Ave., Upland CA 91784
If you would like to express your thoughts and prayers of support and concern for the families involved, please click the comments link below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Reflections: June 16-17, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Bob Erickson Interim Pastor of Teaching

This weekend we saw the faith of a new generation that was willing to take the first step for God into the Jordan River.  We all have Jordan rivers to cross and often we hesitate to cross over, desiring some assurance from God that everything will be OK.  When we do respond to God in faith and take the first step it is then that we see the miracles of God.  How has God worked in your life as you have taken first steps for Him?  Thank Him for His faithfulness to not let us drown!    

Monday, June 11, 2007

Reflections: June 9-10, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith Pastor of Teaching/Worship

This weekend we finished the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Pentateuch. My question for us to reflect on this week is, “Do you love God’s Law?” Do you meditate on it day and night?” Do you find yourself hungering to know God’s law in deeper ways?”
Consider taking time each day this week to read a section of Psalm 119. This Psalm celebrates God’s law and will draw you in and invite you to see God’s law in fresh and new ways.
As you read, reflect on these questions:
When was the last time I really fell deeper in love with God’s word? What life experiences draw me deeper into God’s word? What can I do to make the personal study of Scripture a bigger part of my life?
The nation of Israel viewed God’s law as their prized possession. May we grow in our love for the life giving effect of God’s law this week.    

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Reflections: June 2-3, 2007

The tabernacle of the Old Testament is a great reminder to us that God is eager and willing to dwell with His people. As we go through our lives today in the 21st century, God continues to dwell with us and we are called as believers to be living sacrifices who glorify God and bless others.

Let's be intentional this week to look for ways that we can sacrifice our time, resources, and lives to God and others as this can be our spiritual act of worship.

Click the link below to tell your story of a way that God was able to use you as you sacrificed yourself for His glory so that we can all be encouraged to do the same.

God bless,
Pastor Jeff