Monday, June 11, 2007

Reflections: June 9-10, 2007

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith Pastor of Teaching/Worship

This weekend we finished the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Pentateuch. My question for us to reflect on this week is, “Do you love God’s Law?” Do you meditate on it day and night?” Do you find yourself hungering to know God’s law in deeper ways?”
Consider taking time each day this week to read a section of Psalm 119. This Psalm celebrates God’s law and will draw you in and invite you to see God’s law in fresh and new ways.
As you read, reflect on these questions:
When was the last time I really fell deeper in love with God’s word? What life experiences draw me deeper into God’s word? What can I do to make the personal study of Scripture a bigger part of my life?
The nation of Israel viewed God’s law as their prized possession. May we grow in our love for the life giving effect of God’s law this week.    


  1. God's Law was designed bring about mankind's repentance. "Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it"(Jam. 2:10). Why did God give the Ten Commandments to the Israelites when He knew that no one could keep them perfectly? According to Romans 3:20, the purpose of the Commandments is to reveal sin! Like the Israelites, we cannot live the law; rather, we must accept, through faith, the mercy and grace of God through Jesus Christ. God's law is merely an x-ray machine. An x-ray machine reveals what's not right with a person. God's Law reveals what's wrong with man. The Law exposes our shortcomings to God's perfection. Nothing impure will ever enter God's kingdom. Just like an x-ray machine cannot heal a patient, God's Law cannot heal man. Ultimately, the Law displays Jesus. God's Law cannot give us life, it's merely a mechanism that God created to show us our need for a Savior. I receive life by accepting His plan to rescue me, through Jesus.

  2. Many times as I have read and studied God's Word, I have been in a situation in my life that suddenly makes His word speak directly to me. It's as if a light bulb has been turned on and I wonder how I didn't see the revelation before when I read it. When this happens it comfirms the working of God in each individual life. That's why it is so important to always read and study God's word. It is God's special message to us and brings us into a deeper, personal, relationship with Him.

  3. I love what William wrote!! You are so right on the mark -- Belief in Jesus is what brings us into a saving relationship with God. Having come out of the bondage of legalism, the PURE Gospel is so refreshing and makes my heart jump for joy. In my case, striving to live a perfect life by the law was impossible and a joy stealer. For 10 years I wandered in the wilderness doing it my way. How refreshing to come back to the Gospel and realize that God loves me unconditionally because of my belief in Jesus Christ and what He accomplished on the cross for me. The law is a good mirror to show us how far we fall short of God's amazing glory and perfect holiness. I am so thankful that Jesus lived the life I am unable to live so that I can be counted as righteous in Him!
