Monday, June 25, 2007

Reflections: June 23-24, 2007

Our hearts go out to the families who lost loved ones through the terrible car crash on Hwy 395 this past weekend. For more information on this tragic accident click here.

Please pray for the families involved and for First Presbyterian Church of Upland.

This accident has also touched our own church family as we are grieving with the Libutti family who lost their son Nick and with Karyn Chudasama who lost her sister Becca in this accident.
Many of you are wondering what you can do to help. We urge you to be an encouragement and support to the families involved.

Cards and letters for the Libutti family can be mailed to Life Bible Fellowship Church 2426 North Euclid Ave., Upland CA 91784
If you would like to express your thoughts and prayers of support and concern for the families involved, please click the comments link below.


  1. God Bless you and keep you in his care as you work through this difficult time.

  2. I knew nick from pioneer and it broke my heart when I found out the news about my fellow classmate. Please know that I will pray for Nick and his family and their time of need. God Bless.

  3. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Ed, Therese, George, Dale and Frank.

  4. The loss of a child is beyond tragic. It is the deepest form of grief and sorrow. God has promised that He will be present with us through our grief: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4) God bless your family now and always.

  5. Our prayers are with you. May God give you the strength to breathe, to face each day and to eventually bring you peace. We have been blessed to know Nic and pray that his passing will be used to bring others to Christ. God Bless You. Laurel, Brian, Jordan and Reilly.

  6. Keith and Mary DavisJune 13, 2011 at 12:41 PM

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the Libutti family.

  7. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for Gods comfort in this difficult time. We know that Angels escorted Nic to the prsence of God. What an honor, to meet God face to face after such a wondrful mission. How awsome it must have been to hear God say "Well Done!!"
    n his love,
    The Cruz Family

  8. My prayers are with you during this time that has to be a parents worse nightmare, the loss of a child. May God give you and your family comfort during this time of sadness and grief.

  9. Cynthia Ford and familyJune 13, 2011 at 12:42 PM

    Please know that many, many people are keeping your family in their hearts and prayers. All of us who were touched by Nick during his short time on earth are devastated. Nick's quick smile and happy presence will never be forgotten.
    Sending our love to this precious family.

  10. I could not help but think of the book "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" because you and your children are such wonderful examples of good people;even thinking of the O'Connell's Foundation in honor of Donny in lieu of flowers.
    Donna and Mike- Nic will always be in my memory with his huge smile and my thoughts, prayers, and heart are with the most unselfish family I have ever had the privilege to meet during these hard times. Nic is watching over you.

  11. Kevin and Melanie Brooks and familyJune 13, 2011 at 12:43 PM

    Our hearts are so sadden for your loss. Nic was such a happy young man with a quick smile and a joy to know. May all of God's strength be your way as the family walks their days without their precious loved one, Nic. From our family to yours, our deepest sympathy.

  12. Dear Mike, Donna and family: Our words can not express what our hearts feel for your family at this time. You and and your family are in our thoughs and our prayers as you travel this road. Nick was so full of life and spread joy and laughter where ever he wen,touching the lives of so many. Our family was blessed to know him.

    God Bless
    Fred & Sherry

  13. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

  14. Mike and Donna,

    I was devasted to hear the news. I am praying for your words.

    Miles Pruitt

  15. I cannot even imagine the depth of your pain. I pray you will be able to come to terms with your loss. Nick was a wonderful child, with a beautiful smile. May God comfort you at this most difficult time..... Sheree, Tyler and Kaitlyn

  16. George & Rose WhiteJune 13, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    There are no words and no real explanation. We pray the Lord will hold your family in His hands as I know he
    holds Nic. Our love and prayers to your family.

    In Christian Love,
    Rose and George

  17. To Nick's Family,
    I heard about this accident through a friend. I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am for the sorrow and unbearable pain your having to go through. I too have a child that left this earth to be at home with Jesus, his name is Cameron and he was almost 11 years old. It has been 3 years now, but hearing about Nick, I know that for you, for me, for all of us that are greiving over a loved one that isn't here with us anymore, it is still hard no matter how much time goes by. I think that the Lord made it that way, it makes us long for heaven and Him all the more. It helps us to not keep our feet to firmly planted here. Your family is in my prayers. Remember that the Lord is always with you, and His faithfulness and His promises are true, Keep your eyes fixed on Him...He will be your comfort, strength, and your sanity. This life here is but a vapor, a mist, I look so forward to seeing my son again, I know that I will and that promise of His makes me love the Lord more and have hope for everyday. Hold on to that hope too, you will see Nick again, we just have to wait our turn until we get to heaven, even though it will seem like forever, that day will come, and oh! what a glorious day it will be!! Praying, Greiving, Hoping and Believing with you in you sorrow...Lisa Dossey

  18. Mike im sorry about what happened. you guys are the greatest and it was kind of shocking when i heard. sorry i won't be able to make the funeral but i still wanted to send my regards.

  19. My sister and I went to school with Donna, our kids went to school with Nick and we are all very saddened by the loss of your son. Nick touched many lives and will forever be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  20. Mike, Donna and family, we heard the news of your sons passing Sunday while we were at a swim meet with TCC. My son Jason and Nic swam together for awhile in the same group for TCC. We meet a lot of people in our lives, and Nic and your family left an impact on ours. We remember Nic as he was a very kind and caring young man. We are so sorry for your loss, and have no words to express our sorrow for our family. You are in our prayers.
    Jason, Maureen, Jason Jr, and Jessica Haney

  21. Although I do not personally know any one involved I am a long time Upland resident and a mother of a son. I wanted to say that there are no words on this earth to express the sorrow. I hope you all can get through this event and find some comfort in God.

  22. We first heard the news and prayed together (hundreds of us) in Redlands at the Annual Conference of the California-Pacific Methodist Church. We live in Bishop and have participated in other outreach programs at Valley Presbyterian Church. We will continue to hold you all in prayer in the days and weeks and months to come. May you find strength and peace in knowing that you are loved and cared for even by strangers through the family of God.

  23. The Pfister FamilyJune 13, 2011 at 12:50 PM

    We were just heartbroken to hear about Nic and all the others involved in the accident. Your family has been in our prayers and we just wanted you to know of of sorrow for your great loss.

  24. Although we don't know you, we share your burden and are praying that our Heavenly Father will bestow His precious comfort and peace in your soul.

  25. Kyliah Clarke VillaJune 13, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    Dear Karyn,
    I sat next to Becca in class for the past ten months or so at Fuller. At graduation it was "Vetterani" and then "Villa" and we sat together for one last time. She and I stuck together- There aren't so many other young married women in our classes- especially not ones who are mommies at home too. Becca was always so on the ball- so bright! She thought before she spoke, and when she finally did it was always to share comments or questions that betrayed a keen mind and a heart that earnestly desired to honor God. My heart is broken when I think of your loss. I am praying for you and your family, for your folks, for Tom's recovery, and for Michaela who I'm sure is feeling her absence acutely, though is still too young to really understand what has happened. May God make his presence evident during this unimaginable season for you. Blessings. _Kyliah

  26. Dr. Stephen Tracey & StaffJune 13, 2011 at 12:51 PM

    The staff and Dr. Tracey want to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We were devastated to hear of the loss of Nic. What a wonderful young man he was! We will remember him always.

  27. Nic and the Libutti family first touched my heart in 2000 when he entered my third grade class. I was so impressed with his kind spirit, sensitivity and caring nature...especially for his little sister, Frankie. His beautiful, bright smile, sense of humor, and determined spirit will be forever remembered. My heartfelt prayers and deepest sympathy go out to the Libutti family and all the family and friends devastated by this terrible tragedy.

  28. The Buchanan FamilyJune 13, 2011 at 12:52 PM

    Mike,Donna,and Family!
    In this time of great loss and mourning our hearts and prayers are with you. I dont know you all very well but I do know how much you care for others and the example all of your kids have been to my family. Nic will be missed and we will be praying for all of you. I know Nic is with the Lord and he has heard the words as spoken in Matt 25:23 Well done,good and faithfull servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord. God bless you all.

  29. I will hold you in my prayers.

  30. Mike and Donna,
    We send our love and deepest sympathy to your family at this sad time. Nic was a wonderful young man with a sweet,loving smile. We'll always remember him watching the older boys playing waterpolo with his eyes wide with pride. Alex holds a special place in his heart for Nic. Our prayers and positive thought are with all of you.
    Jim and Edie Garcia

  31. Libutti family,
    I met Nic last summer when I took him to a waterpolo game with my son, Tyler. I was so impressed by his good manners and respect he gave to me. that comes from great parents. While driving to orange county, Nic talked about all of you non stop. A wonderful son you raised. This last swim season, Tyler and Nic shared a lane during practice and often wrestled in the water. Tyler is feeling the loss deeply. God be with you all. God will give you peace and comfort during this time in your lilfe.

  32. Dear Libutti Family, Our families have not met, but my son, Patrick, knew your son Nic. When he heard about the accident and I asked him about Nic he said, "Mom, he was the nicest guy I think I have ever met. I don't think I ever heard him say something bad about anyone else. He was such a great person". For a teenager those are some pretty awesome attributes! Our family will honor your son at his funeral and join with many others to support you in prayer. To Mrs. Libutti, I have been praying especially for you and have woken in the night to pray for you also. May God grant you his comfort in this sad, sad time.

  33. Scot and Gina MogaJune 13, 2011 at 12:53 PM

    Libutti Family:

    After reading the article of the loss of your son and the others involved, our family wanted to let your family to know that you are in all our prayers and thoughts.

    Moga Family

  34. Mike and Brenda DuffyJune 13, 2011 at 12:53 PM

    In this time of terrible loss and pain we are praying that the love of friends and family will hold you together. When it seems like you can't go on I pray that Jesus will carry you and hold you in his loving arms. Nic will be deeply missed by all who knew him. We will continue to hold your family up in prayer.

  35. Representing the Youth Nurture Commission at First Presbyterian Church Upland (which oversees our children and youth programming), we are profoundly impacted and sorrowful about the loss of so many incredible people. Having personally worked closely with Tom, Becca, and the youth, I can say they each have been great stewards of the Lord's work. My deepest condolences go out to all the families as they struggle to make sense of this tragedy. In Romans 8 it states that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. I trust that He will work this tragedy for the betterment of His kingdom. To the Libutti family: you and your son Nic are in my sincere prayers and I am so very sorry for your loss. He will be greatly missed by the many he touched.

  36. Bob, Karen, Lauren, Eric RiosJune 13, 2011 at 12:54 PM




  37. I knew Nick sine 6th grade,he was a great person.He was in my Art class this year,and he always made me laugh.It broke my heart when i found out the news.Nick was a sweet person who touched so many lives.Ill keep all the families in my prayers.
    Love Always,
    Rachel Bruce

  38. As an employee at the First Presbyterian Church Preschool, the sense of loss around the campus has been so great. Yet there is peace in knowing that our God who knows what it is to lose a son, will through this tragedy rain down His comfort and peace. In support of the victims and their family members, members of the community are sponsoring a benefit walk on Saturday, June 30th from 8-10am on the Madonna Trail at Foothill & Euclid Ave. Everyone is welcome. Donations will be accepted and forwarded to the Youth Memorial Fund at First Presbyterian.

  39. I am so sorry for your loss. I was so blessed to have Donna as my boss at Ruth Musser and through that met Nick during an illness he had in the hospital. I remember him being so sick and yet so thankful for coloring books. When we heard of the news our( my sister Angela worked at Ruth Musser also )hearts broke. Angela recovered the thank you letter from Nick with his sweet picture on it. We will treasure meeting one of God's little ones and knowing that because of wonderful parents he is at home with his King. Simon Tugwell said,
    "so long as we imagine it is we who have to look for God, we must often lose heart. But it is the other way about-He is looking for us."
    I pray you feel the peace and comfort of our Heavenly Father who seeks you and will not leave you. Thank you for touching my life and letting me see into your special family. Know that I join with others in grieving your loss and praying for your broken heart.
    "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." -John 14:18

  40. Dear Libutti Family,
    My husband recently was a jurist in case presided by Mr Libutti and was inspired by his kind personality and demeanor. He was deeply saddened to learn of your loss. We want you to know that we do not personally know you but as parents we feel very close to you and know we are praying for you and your family at this sad time. You should be proud; your son served the Lord and now he is with the Lord and will always be with you all.We will keep you close in our hearts and prayers as well as the other families affected by this tragedy. God Bless you and keep you. The Gettler Family

  41. The Covington FamilyJune 13, 2011 at 12:55 PM

    Dear Libutti Family,
    Our hearts and prayers are with you in this terrible time. Knowing Nick loved and served the Lord, that he is now with Him dancing on streets that are golden, will always be a blessing to you. We pray God gives you strength and comfort in this time. God keep you and wrap his loving arms around you
    The Covingtons, Mark Debi Jared and Reed

  42. Brad and Heather SmithJune 13, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    To the Libutti Family:
    We are terribly sorry for your unimagineable loss. Please know that you have been in our prayers, and will remain there always.

    Nick was such a kind soul--I was fortunate enough to have him in my fifth grade class. I remember being in awe of his kind eyes and sweet smile, and especially his love for his family. I can't imagine the pain that you are all feeling and hope and pray that you are finding comfort in our Lord in this time of need.
    The Smith Family

  43. My heart and prayers go out to all who were involved in the accident. I, like others, can't imagine the pain that you are going through, but I know that Jesus will comfort you all in this time of desperate need.

    God bless,

    Fred & Janice Weamer

  44. Jason & Krista GaudyJune 13, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    Libutti Family,
    We haven't been able to think about anything else since we heard about Nick. He was a great young man of God and he will be greatly missed. We love you guys.

    Jason & Krista Gaudy.

  45. to the libutti family im so sorry for your loss. nick was such a great kid. my little brother eric knew and thats how we met. i remember he came up to me was like you are eric rios' sister right? and i was like i sure am your nick libutti right? it was cute. he was such a down to earth kid. me and nick talked a lot on the bus on our way to practice. we also met to chat after our 3rd period class. our pool at upland is undergoing construction so we practiced at chaffey high school. we talked about who we liked, and church&god, and family. we could tell each other anything and everything. he was also so excited to see my brother and go to high school with him. he was an extraordinary kid and i loved him so much like my own little brother. he listened and really helped me out. rest in peace my little superstar i miss you so much.

  46. Judge Libutti,I remember seeing pictures of your kids in chambers and thinking to myself what an awesome family God blessed you with. The love just beamed from their faces. I just heard of Nick's passing on Tuesday. As I cried, I asked the Lord to comfort and strengthen you and your family.I will continue to put you all in our prayers. Your friend Ruben Hernandez, Fontana Court.

  47. Lyle & Sheila McCurdyJune 13, 2011 at 12:57 PM

    We are SO very sorry. No words can fill the emptiness of your loss, no hug can replace your son's. But, God is holding you in His loving arms so that you can weep on His chest and He will continue holding you until you are both ready to move forward. Do not ignore the pain or grief - God also grieves for your loss. Nic is in Heaven now and God is taking good care of him, so continue taking care of each other and the rest of your family. We don't know you well, but we would like you to know that if you need any type of help, please contact us. Lyle (Men's morning Bible Study) & Sheila (Sunday morning greeter) McCurdy, 909-985-9357.

  48. We never know what God has in store for us ... my grandsons, Mitchell and Jacob, are very much apart of the youth group at LBF and travel as servants for the lord as well. My grandsons were devastated with the news of the accident and its effect on all of our families in the community. Having read through the 46 postings reflects what an amazing young man Nick was for many throughout his life. Nick was a great young man and truly had a profound impact on many of us. The loss seems too great yet, I know because of my own losses, that our lord will be there to guide and give strength as you find your pathways through life as a family and individually. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May god bless you and keep you safe.

  49. Libutti Family-
    We cannot know the loss you suffer. Our hearts and prayers are with you all. Although many mourn the loss of Nick here on earth, take comfort from the fact that just as many have welcomed him into the Kingdom of Heaven with open arms and unimaginable love that now surrounds him. How proud God must be of your son who has now returned to him.

  50. Our love and prayers go to you and all the families that were involved in this. My heart is so heavy laden for you all. My boys went to school with Nick and the girls. Please feel our prayers and love. We have to remember, even in this, that the Lord uses all things to His Glory.

  51. I am so sorry. I am praying for all of the Libutti family and the community that has lost such a wonderful child. May God Bless you all.

  52. We are praying for the Libutti family and those connected to the accident. May God carry you through this valley and give you comfort and strength.

  53. Chaplain Tim EvansJune 13, 2011 at 12:58 PM

    On behalf of the Unforgettables--we offer our condolences and prayers---we are able to help if needed. the Unforgettables Foundation serving San Bern Co and Riv Co---God bless, We're so sorry--please express our thoughts to the families. Tim

  54. Wayne and Elizabeth MorinJune 13, 2011 at 12:59 PM

    To the Libutti Family: We offer our prayers on your behalf. May God strengthen and bless each one of you as you journey through this season of grief. "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you...the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:6,8.

  55. Carlos & Irma CastañedaJune 13, 2011 at 12:59 PM

    Libutti Family:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are heartbroken. God Bless You!

  56. Dear Karyn, My husband (Larry) and I met Becca and your parents years ago at First Presbyterian Church and have watched Becca grow and blossom as she spread God's grace in every action and word. She was an incredible woman; beautiful inside and out. Her eye and smile just radiated JOY - not for herself; but for the people around her. And, their beautiful daughter Michaela just captures that same joy. Becca will be truly missed by all and "I Can Only Imagine" what it will be like when we meet again in heaven. Our prayers go out to you and your family and for Tom and his family. May God Bless You and lift you up during this time.

  57. To Nick's family,
    We attend First Presbyterian Church; so I did not personally know Nick but our hearts and prayers are with you. And, we ask our mighty Lord to lift you all up in his comforting arms.
    My husband (Larry Ferrell) did met Nick the Saturday before they left. Larry was part of a prayer group that met with the youth and Tom and Becca and he said he sat next to Nick and spoke with him about the trip. They were so excited about being able to share the Good News, be with their friends and enjoy the great outdoors. May you find comfort in knowing that they were on a spiritual high after spending a week being selfless servants in the name of our Lord. May God Bless you and surround you with his Grace.

  58. The Johnson FamilyJune 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM

    Dear Libutti Family:

    Sometimes it's just not possible to put into words our deepest feelings and
    emotions in times of such great sorrow. From our family to yours we want you to know we're here for you in our prayers and support. May you find a sense of deep comfort and peace in knowing how much impact your entire family has had on so many others. Nick will be deeply missed and always remembered. Scott, Karen, Michael, Ryan, Nicholas, and Desiree.

  59. Eric & Kirsten GrubbJune 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM

    Dear Libutti Family,
    Our deepest grief and sympathy are with you during this unimaginably difficult time and you are constantly in our prayers.

    Michael, I know you from church and men's group and you are one of the most humble and kind people that I have ever met and even though I did not have the priviledge of knowing Nick I can tell that you instilled in him those same great qualities and that should make you very proud.

  60. Mike, Donna and family,
    I don't know the words to express the sense loss Terry, Walker, Cambria and I feel for you and yours. Nick was a fine young man, a true gentleman and athlete, he enjoyed the game just for the sport, win, loose or draw. We should all learn this lesson from Nick. The CHAWP folks who played with Nick are at a loss.
    There is no doubt he is with our Lord taking on greater challenges with the enthusiasm, pride and enjoyment he has always demonstrated. We will hold him in our hearts forever, and remember his earnest concern for others and his smile.
    Greg, Terry, Walker and Cambria, and Gene Shockley

  61. Dear Libutti family,
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your terrible loss. Knowing your family has been one the highlights of the years I've been at Valencia. May God hold this precious boy in his hands and give you peace at this difficult time.
    Catherine Taylor

  62. Libutti Family ~ I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. I don't know you personally, but I am your sister in Christ. I am also a mom of a 13 & 15 year-old and can't imagine what you all are going through. I have read so much about Nic, and it sounds like he blessed many people. I know that our Father in Heaven will comfort you and strengthen you. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you (Nic's mom & dad, brothers & sisters)
    Christina from Alta Loma (Calvary Chapel Chino Valley)

  63. Karyn ~ Mr "V" was my daughter's 6th grade teacher at Alta Loma Christian. I remember when Becca was pregnant and when their baby girl was born. My daughters went to Mrs. Benites' house on Monday morning to pray for Mr. "V" and the all of the people affected by this. I am praying for you, your family, Tom and his family. I am so very sorry for your loss.
    In His Strength~
    Christina from Alta Loma (Calvary Chapel Chino Valley)

  64. The Caballero FamilyJune 13, 2011 at 1:01 PM

    Dearest Libutti Family,
    Although I did not know your family or Nic personally, my familly has been deeply saddened by this tragic loss. My daughter Jaclyn knew Nic from Pioneer and spoke fondly of him often, commenting on how much he made her laugh. Since she found out about the accident on Sunday, she has been reminiscing of wonderful memories that they shared. She has not stopped talking about what a great person he was and how devoted he was to his religion and God. She will miss him dearly as I'm sure everyone he came in touch with will. Please accept our deepest sympanthy in this time of great sorrow. We are praying for you and your family as well as the others lost in this terrible tragedy.

    The Caballero Family

  65. Dear Libutti Family,
    I love all of you soo much! You all know how devastated I was to hear about the death of Nick. He was a brother to me. Nick, Frankie, and I grew up together, and you were my second family. He was such a great kid and he always put a smile on my face. Once you know him, you never forget him. I'm here for all of you. :)
    Love Always,

  66. The Lord is my shepard. I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the quiet waters. He restors my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness. For His name's sake.Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou art with me. Your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. The Lord will sustain you and keep you in His arms until you see your Nicki again. By His grace and In His love.

  67. Being somewhat of a new Christian, times like these have been hard for me to understand God's purpose in all of this. However, having seen the body of multiple church families come together with such great outpouring of love, faith and hope, one can not help but see clearly God is in control and his love and grace touch so many lives. My heart and prayers go out to all of the families and friends during this time of great loss. . .they are forever dancing on the streets that are golden.

  68. Frank & Deborah DiCrastoJune 13, 2011 at 1:02 PM

    Our deepest condolences & prayers are with you and your family during this horribly tragic time. Earlier this year, our children lost their cousin, Blake Bolin, in a car accident. When Frankie returned to school after Blake's death, it was Nick who offered him steadfast solace, prayers, and comfort. There were many dark days Frankie would come home from school, saying it was Nick that lifted his spirits by telling him funny stories about Blake. I will continue to give thanks and praise to our loving Father for the gift & presence of your son Nick in Frankie's life during such a difficult period. Your son was an angel on earth for my son. May you and your family find much comfort and peace in knowing that many people saw our heavenly Father through your precious boy. Be blessed.

  69. Dearest Donna, Mike, Michael, Tessa, Frankie and Joey, we were on vacation with little contact, when we found out that you had lost your precious son and brother. Our family instantly weeped and prayed and it really has been the only thing on our minds. There are no words we can give you, except to say we have always loved and admired your family and although we haven't had the chance to fellowship outside of our beloved church, you obviously raised up a beautiful young man, in Nick, who was able to live a fuller life than most beyond his years, with a faith that others would only hope to have. While he sits by our precious Father, he will continue to be an amazing example to all of us left behind. Our hearts grieve with you, our prayers for your precious family and the other precious families affected by this terrible tragedy are and will be constant. In His love, John, Deb, Max, Brynn and Ian Hewitt oxoxoxoxox

  70. Bob and Edna MyersJune 13, 2011 at 1:03 PM

    When talking with Karyn Chudasama yesterday, we found out that Tom Vetterani is having surgery today, Tuesday, July 3, to set all his broken bones and to do some treatment on his very severe burns. Remember he does have problems with his lungs because of the smoke inhalation. He is still being sedated because of both the physical and emotional pain. He, as well as his and Becca's families are in need of PRAYER. Let's remember to pray for their little daughter who is 21 months old. Thankfully, she was not in the van but was riding with her grandparents at the time of the accident. They had been in Mammoth and Bishop during the missions trip. Karyn asked for prayer for Tom as he has surgery and is in recovery. Our prayers are with you.
    For Mike, Donna, Michael, Tess, Frankie and Joey, our prayers are with each of you. We were on vacation when we heard the news. It was so disheartening to hear what happened. We have friends who had their son transition to heaven as a result of a drunk driver accident while on a missions trip in Mexico. This accident happened three weeks before his graduation from college. They found that the prayers of family and friends helped as God covered them with His all loving grace. They said it was God's grace that helped them survive the loss. May you feel God's arms of love in your days ahead. Our prayers will continue to be with you.

  71. Dear Libutti Family,
    Words cannot describe the sadness we feel in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. With Love, Craig, Lisa, Holly, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Abbott

  72. Mike and Lisa Cameron
    I just found this web-site and decided to write a few words. My husband and I were travelling to Lake Tahoe to celebrate our wedding anniversary when we came upon the accident. We were travelling from Big Bear City and were a couple of the first people on the scene. My husband, Mike, handed me the phone and he ran to try to do whatever he could to help. Mike burned his hands putting the flames out on the pastor, and he helped move people away from the burning van. I do not wish to tell all the details, but I will tell you that I do believe with all my heart that God was protecting all of them even as they lost their lives. I believe He protected them from pain. . .I believe this with all my heart. Our prayers are constantly with family and loved ones of those who lost their lives that day. Perhaps some day we shall meet Tom Vetterani. . .All our love forever and ever and ever, Michael and Lisa Cameron, Big Bear City, CA
