Thursday, May 6, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Be the Church

Weekend's Message by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
May 6, 2010
Do you have an idea of what the perfect church would be like? Would it be big or small? Contemporary or traditional? Staff led, or volunteer led? In an industrial structure or in a home?

Did the believers in the Bible have the perfect church? This weekend we are going to put to rest some of the ideas we have about the "perfect church" as we look at some of the good, the bad, and the realities of the early church and see what we can gain from what they did as they began "being the church"
in the name of Jesus.

Before this Sunday, open the Bible and read Acts chapter 2. I'd encourage you to read the whole chapter so you get the context of what is going on, and then we will be focusing specifically on verses 41-47. Consider what these verses mean for us today, and for you personally as a follower of Christ.

See ya Sunday,

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    it's been said, "if you ever find the pefect church, don't join... you'll ruin it." That's true for all of us! It seems, by reading your article in the Scroll and by things you have said, that you have been recieving much"advice" on how things should be done at church. The music, the anouncment, the message, heck even the seating arraingements have been under scrutiny. Well I just want to encourage you and your staff not to let the murrmerings of the sheep get you down. Just keep doing what the Spirit guides you to do and keep preaching the love of Jesus. My wife Danielle and I have been attending for allmost two years now. When we first started here we noticed some things that were different than what we were used to, but realized this is where God wanted us. If the little things seem that important, maybe your focus is off the main thing! We thank you for your pastor's heart and the teaching of God's word in love. Remember, sheep have tough skin and when we are bruised, we arn't too smart so we soon forget! God bless you as you prepare to feed us.
    Psalm 20
