Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This Weekend's Message: It Only Gets Worse

It Only Gets Worse
Matthew 19:16-30

One of the characteristics of our culture today is that people seem to never get enough rest. It’s a rat race world that we live in, and every day that we live, we wake up to a world that is on the move. It seems that the more we work and the faster we go, the more we fall behind in the race and there is always more to do when the day is done than when we started out in the morning.

We walk out the door to chase the good life – a dream of reaching a place in life where we can just relax a little and enjoy life because the bills are paid and our family’s needs are met. But somehow, along the way those bills never seem to go away. No matter how hard we work or how much we try, it seems that we are caught in a maze and the harder we try to find our way out it only gets worse. We feel trapped.
This week we’ll look at a real life story of someone who was trapped this way. What can we learn from him that can make a difference in our lives? Come this Sunday and find out!

Gary Keith

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea....
