Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This Weekend's Message: Homosexuality: Is God Bigoted?

In our current cultural setting, no issue is more emotionally-charged than the issue of how our culture responds to homosexuality. For the past decade, the issue has dominated the spheres of politics and popular culture. It seems like a new celebrity “comes out” nearly every month, and measures concerning same-sex marriage appear in each election year.

One of the reasons why this issue is so emotionally-charged is because there have been poor responses on both sides. Sadly, there have been Christians (and churches) who have acted ignorantly or spitefully toward homosexuals, alienating and dehumanizing them. Then there are other Christians (and churches) who have decided that the biblical teaching on homosexuality must be either culturally driven or antiquated, and so they have embraced homosexuality as a normal and acceptable activity. There are many questions surrounding this difficult issue.

This weekend we will not resolve all of them. Two questions will dominate this weekend’s message:
(1) What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
(2) How are we to respond to individuals who are impacted by homosexuality?

Dan Franklin

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