Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reaching Out: LBF Global Update from Thailand

By Carol Hawkins, Missions Coordinator 

Tim and I – worship co-leaders at the annual missions conference
in Thailand.
I recently attended a missions conference in Thailand and was able to spend a few days visiting Pete and Mary Quesenberry and Amanda Rana before the start of the conference. They live in the city of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand. It is always a joy to see our own missionaries and be in their part of the world, experiencing the environment they live and work in. Pete, who is a veterinarian, trains nationals in caring for their farm animals, as well as training leaders among the minority people groups in that region. Mary helps with administrative responsibilities at the Chiang Rai International Christian School. They both have done a great deal to get the school started and accredited. All three of their adult children now live in different parts of the world, so they have an empty nest.

Amanda (Mandy), is teaching in the Chiang Rai International Christian School. This is her second year at the school and this year she is teaching a class of very energetic 6th grade boys. Her students come from various countries, so she is enjoying the diversity in her classroom and what there is to be learned from each one. I’m so glad I was able to spend time with them.

Mandy Rana, Pete & Mary Quesenberry, and I met at a McDonalds in Chiang Mai.
My role at the missions conference was to lead worship each morning. That was such a joy to my heart – singing praises to the Lord with missionaries from various countries. They don’t often have the opportunity to worship corporately, so it was thrilling to lead them. And it was a good reminder that we in the U.S. may take for granted the opportunity we have to worship openly and with other believers. 

Spending time with missionaries is such a blessing. I had many opportunities to learn from them about their service and what it’s like to live in a foreign country. It’s exciting to take a trip and visit other countries, but living there brings many challenges. One young woman I spoke with shared that living in a foreign culture makes her more tired than in the U.S. because she’s always on her guard trying to remember the “cultural rules.” There’s always a danger of making mistakes in language or offending someone because of a lack of understanding of the culture. The learning curve is huge when everything is new and very different from what you’re used to. Just doing regular errands – like we do everyday – can be exhausting. She gave me a new perspective on the importance of understanding and fitting into the culture. When a missionary moves to a foreign country to share the light of Christ, it’s critically important to be able to understand who the people are, how they live, what’s important to them, and much, much more. The missionary must learn to fit into their world – not vice versa.

Mandy Rana, Pete & Mary Quesenberry, and I met at a McDonalds in Chiang Mai.
I share all of this with you because I think it’s important for us in the U.S. to try to get into the “shoes” of our missionaries by understanding as best as we’re able what it might be like for them. It’s not like you just pick up your life and move it around the world and it’s all the same as before. It’s very different and takes some real adjustments.

Let’s remember to pray for our missionaries who are serving in different parts of the world. They are part of our LBF family and they are so encouraged to have you praying for them. And, I’d be delighted to share their contact information if you’d like to send an email. Please let me know.

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