Thursday, February 14, 2013

Passionate Pursuit, Part One

By Gary Keith, Lead Pastor 

I would like to spend some time this month and next month talking about what a passionate pursuit of LIFE in Jesus looks like. If we are going to live out this mission in our daily lives, we need to take some time looking at some real life expressions of passionately pursuing life in Jesus. How does this transformation take place? How can we see the difference between a person who is passionately pursuing life in Jesus and someone who is not? What are the core qualities that offer evidence that someone is passionately pursuing life in Jesus?

Here is a list of 12 items that we can look at and maybe gauge how we are doing at passionately pursing life in Jesus. I’ll list six of them this month and the other six next month.

A person who is passionately pursuing life in Jesus…

  1. Has an undiluted devotion to Jesus. To me devotion suggests something deliberate, even premeditated. Devotion involves a determination that a person will organize his/her life around Jesus – His character, His teachings, His unique grace and forgiveness. I also believe that this devotion needs to have intentional times of renewal and refreshment on a regular basis to be faithful to the ways of Jesus. 
  2. Pursues a biblically informed view of the world. This begins by working at knowing the Bible well, which will include its contents and directives. Those involved in a passionate pursuit of life in Jesus cannot simply live off the Sunday morning teaching of the pastor. He/she must hide God’s Word in his/her own heart so that it becomes a lamp to his/her feet and a light to his/her path.
  3. Is intentional and disciplined in seeking God’s direction in life. Look closely at the letters written by the Apostle Paul and you will see a person who is intentional. Paul is a person who associates the Christian life to a battle and Christians to soldiers who are disciplined and ready for battle. And then at other times Paul likens the Christian person to athletes who need training and discipline to run the race well. No person who is passionately pursuing life in Jesus is comfortable with spiritual passivity. It means developing life-habits in alignment with Jesus and replacing those that are not. 
  4. Worships and has a spirit of continuous repentance. Worship is a lifestyle not a Sunday morning experience. Each time we say “yes” to God, we are worshipping Him. Each time we say “no,” we need to repent. When we say “yes,” we are elevating life to an eternal perspective focused on God and His purposes. And in the process, we come away redirected and renewed in our efforts to live and serve God. 
  5. Builds healthy human relationships. Being faithful to friends; if married, affectionate, attentive, and servant-like to a spouse; and if a parent, patient and nurturing to children is part of building healthy relationships. For relationships to flourish a person must be quick to admit when they are wrong, to forgive when offended, and to offer support when someone is in need. This also involves doing all they can to be at peace with everyone. 
  6. Knows how to connect with the world where the Christian faith is not understood. Most likely some personal choices and convictions on living in a passionate pursuit of life in Jesus will not appeal to those outside the faith. But those who watch and observe the life of someone who is passionately pursuing this life will see them as a person who brings stability, hope, and energy to life. There are of course times when a person of faith will be despised, but hopefully there are more times when they are valued as an asset to the world. This person will make important contributions to the greater community, including those that bring justice and relief to struggling people. 

Okay, there are the first six ways that passionately pursuing life in Jesus might work its way out into our everyday life. What do you think? Does this make sense to you? Is it on target?

Feel free to dialogue with me via email at And next month we’ll look at six more. God bless you and have a great month.

Read Part Two here.

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