Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Curriculum for Children’s Ministry

By Lauria Baiz, Director of Life Kids Children’s Ministry 

Starting in the fall, we will be offering a new format of curriculum for our kids that are four years old through fourth grade. Here is how it will go: As the kids arrive at church, they will be engaged in a game or activity that will give them a clue as to what the story is going to be about that Sunday. Then they will go into a room that has been set up for the worship leader and story teller. During this time, the kids will sing worship songs and hear from the story teller, whose job is not just to come in and tell the kids the story. Their job is to make the story come to life, include the kids in the story by asking questions, have them act parts out, and share what they think about what they are learning.

This is a time that the kids are being taught in an interactive way that will also help them retain the lesson. After the story teller is done, the kids will go back into small groups with their leaders and discuss the lesson deeper. Small group time is a wonderful time where the leaders are able to connect with the kids, reinforce God’s Word, and build relationships. This format is so exhilarating because it is completely different from what the kids are doing during the week when they are in school. It is laid out in a way that we can take the tables and chairs out of the equation, sit down on the floor at eye level, and engage them with God’s Word. Having one curriculum for all the age groups is going to give families the ability to discuss the lessons altogether, since they are the same, just tailored to their age group. The memory verse program will also be connected to the curriculum, which will encourage them to memorize the verses that they will be discussing and learning about on Sunday morning.

With these changes there is going to be some new volunteer positions available and the dynamics of the current positions will be changing as well. If being a part of this ministry sounds interesting to you, join us for an informational meeting on Sunday, July 28, after the third service (approximately 12:30 p.m.) in rooms 102 & 103. I am looking forward to the fall and this great new curriculum!

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