Tuesday, October 15, 2013

LIFE Groups Spotlight: Donna Stone

By Lea Lee, LIFE Groups Coordinator 

Name: Donna Stone

Tell us about how you came to faith in Jesus Christ. I was 12½ years old and desperate. I was living with my alcoholic mother and my tenth stepfather in a tenement in downtown Detroit. Every day was physical abuse and fear. My ninth stepfather and his cousin took me to church and the pastor spoke about fear and that faith in Christ would give me peace. I accepted Christ that day and was placed in emergency foster care within three weeks.

Tell us about your family. I am married to Bob Stone. We have three children, three grandchildren, and one grand doggy.

Tell us about how you found LBF. Gary Cisco, a friend from work, told me about LBF. I looked up the LBF website and liked what I saw. The first Sunday that I walked into LBF, I knew that I was home. That was 16 years ago. Gary just recently passed away and I am so grateful for the gift of my church family that he shared with me.

How long have you been leading a LIFE Group at LBF? This will be my second year.

Tell us a bit about your LIFE Group. My LIFE Group is funny! We laugh, tease, we love each other and hug…a lot. We have lively discussions that are so energizing. I have to say that the ladies in my LIFE Group are the BEST. Also, we share a great love for dessert!

What are some of the discussion highlights you have had this year? Replacing a complaining attitude with an attitude of thanks. Replacing a covetous attitude with an attitude of contentment. Replacing a critical attitude with an attitude of love. Replacing a doubting attitude with an attitude of faith. Finally, replacing a rebellious attitude with an attitude of submission.

What has been the most encouraging thing that has happened in your LIFE Group? How this study changed our thought process. It made us mindful of how our attitude impacts our witness, our walk with the Lord, our workplace, and our families.

How would you describe the importance of the LIFE Group you lead? We are a group of believers that want to grow as followers of Christ. We also want to grow in our relationship with each other.

What would you say to someone that is wary about joining a LIFE Group? You are missing out! You are missing the opportunity to connect and make life-long friends that will welcome you to any LIFE Group with open arms.

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