Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflections: May 31, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

Envy, jealousy, and selfish ambition. Each of these things is understood by most people to be negative and harmful things for a person to possess. Then why is it that each of us possess varying degrees of them throughout our lives? Jealousy taints so much of what is positive and causes us to resent it. Things that could be a blessing to us and others are never good enough when viewed through the filter of envy and comparison. So why do we do it? Is there any way to get our eyes set on the things that God has for us, rather than always looking at what He has for other people and wishing it was ours? Is there ever going to come a day that I can see someone else succeed and not have that twinge in my heart that wants to let people know why I am better?

I believe we can begin to be set free from these things when we are willing to acknowledge the unique call that God has for us and stop believing that it would be better to live out someone else’s calling. This week, re-read James 3 and allow God access to your heart, with the desire to see where in your life you have been missing what God has for you because you have been trying to get something that is not for you. We are all in this boat and can definitely use some help in identifying how we are giving over our hearts to jealousy and selfish ambition rather than giving them over to God and allowing Him to work His unique purpose into our lives. My prayer is that as you do this, God will bring healing and understanding for all that He has for you. You are special, and do not need to envy anything or anyone because what God has for you is perfect...for you.

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