Monday, July 13, 2009

Reflections: July 12, 2009

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

Today we started our new summer series called Red Letters. For the next eight weeks we will look at some of the parables of Jesus. This Sunday we looked at what is commonly called "The Parable of the Sower." In it we learned how Jesus compared the different soils to the different ways the gospel is heard by people and their response to it. Check out Matthew 13:3-23.
Although I didn't spend a lot of time on this issue, some people believe that in this parable the only soil that really represents a Christian person is the good soil and that the other three soils reflect people who are not Christians. What do you think? And why do you believe it to be true or not true?
Even more important is what we do with the word of God. How do we listen to God? The one thing that I was reminded of this week is the overwhelming value and importance of God's word. What role does God's word play in your life? Let's talk – click on the blog below and let the conversation begin.

1 comment:

  1. When I studied this before the message on Sunday, I interpreted that the different soils represented the new Christian.

    The "Path" Christian, can't let go of this world and has a hard time giving up sin and giving their all to the Lord (Although I feel like all Christians struggle with this at some point), however; this particular Christian falls away from obedience because eventually they choose the other of the two, the World...

    The "Rocky" Christian is on fire for the Lord when they first accept him and in good times praises the Lord...but once they experience a trial, they cling to worldly relationships and forget about their savior. I can see this on the other side too, when a new Christian accepts the Lord when they are in a dark place, they are strong until they get out of that trial and once in a good place, they resort back to their life before Christ.

    The "Thorny" Christian is one who accepts the Lord, but may continue to surround themselves with Sin, thus tempting them to wonder from the Truth. I have been told "As a Christian your world gets really small" you have to make choices on who you can be associated with. If someone is a bad influence, you have to separate yourself from them...I have had to do that with friends, but once I did, the Lord has blessed me with a Christian Family that has been amazingly supportive.

    The "Fruitful" Christian is one that accepts the Lord and truly gives all their heart, mind, soul and strength. I think that a Christian can change from the "Path", "Rocky" or "Thorny" Christian to a "Fruitful" Christian with the help of other "Fruitful" Christians. My Bible study leader tells me that when we share the Gospel message and we pray with someone to accept the Lord, we need to take responsibility to pray for that person daily to stay in the Word and in Obedience to the Lord. Anyhow; that's my take on it...I really enjoyed this message and look forward to the next 7 :) p.s. The "According to Jim" series was AWESOME!!!!
