Tuesday, October 11, 2011

This Weekend's Message: Family Resemblance

Family Resemblance
Matthew 5:43-48

Who do you look like – your mother or your father? Who do people say you look like? And when they tell you who you look like, are you happy or are you wishing you just didn’t look like that person? I think we all have some sort of family resemblance. I mean we have to, right? Each of us carries certain characteristics from our parents, but those resemblances go beyond our looks. We also have a family resemblance when it comes to our personalities, our emotions, and our likes and dislikes.

This week as we continue to look at what it means to put love in action by doing justly, we are going to be asked to have a family resemblance with our Heavenly Father. Last week Dan Franklin talked about the internal standard set by Jesus in letting go of our self-protectiveness. This week we are going to an even more challenging level of living in the Kingdom of God – one that some say is impossible. Come this week and let’s learn together.

Gary Keith


  1. I understandwhat the Holy Spirit is trying to convey to us
    We need to see through our Fathr's eyes and see others as He sees them. He loves us all uniquely. Everyone is learning and growing in His love. He is so long sufferring toward us and we need to take on those same characteristics and be a blessing

  2. Thanks once again Gary. I've been "self protecting" myself from a sister who tends to hurt me, getting me at my heart by causing problems with my kids. I've recently refused to talk to her and your message (and the Holy Spirit) gave me the strength to call her and talk it out. I have to stop pulling away from people and allow God to do his thing in ME and in them. Thought I'd share with you that we have reconciled, thanks for being the vesel God used to bring it about.
