Monday, February 4, 2008

Reflections: February 2-3, 2008

This week's "Reflection" by Gary Keith, Pastor of Teaching/Worship

If you were in one of our services this weekend, you heard me talk about mutual submission in the context of the relationship between husbands and wives. I defined submission in marriage as simply putting the needs, interests, and desires of your husband or wife ahead of your own.
I don't think living in submission to your spouse is easy or comes naturally. We are encouraged though to be a little different than those in our culture who live first and foremost for themselves. How does this work itself out in your life? For wives, how have you lived in submission to your husband? For husbands, how have you lived with your wife in an understanding way? What plans do you have to take today's message and make your marriage better? If you're single, did the message give you any principles you can use now?
I'm sure we can learn from each other as we share our thoughts and experiences with each other on the blog below. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with myself and others.

1 comment:

  1. Gary and Jeff,
    This portion of scripture is very difficult for some women. Women who may be in an abusive situation, some of them not even knowing for sure what "abusive" is. I appreciate the way you handled it and shared God's word. It is so important to look at the total picture of husbands and wives being in submission to one another, being concerned for the other persons needs,desires, and ideas when facing life's challenges.
    I was impressed that you (Gary) try to keep the tank full for Mariom. John does the same for me since I don't really like to do it either. Thumbs up!!
