Monday, July 5, 2010

Reflections: July 4, 2010

This week’s “Reflection” by Gary Keith, Executive & Teaching Pastor

Parting with Our Prejudice
Acts 10

On Sunday in our continuing study of the book of Acts, we looked at Chapter 10. In this chapter Peter learns how to part with his prejudice. God’s plan of salvation was for all people and God used Peter to present the gospel to the Gentiles. Peter, being a Jew, had prejudice against the Gentiles and yet God uses him to bring the gospel to this hated people group.

In 10:34 we learn that “God does not show favoritism.” The issue of prejudice was alive and well in the first century and it is still alive and part of our world in the 21st century. So the question becomes, "If I’m going to reflect the heart of God, what do I do to rid my life of prejudice?" For those who read this web reflection, I want to challenge you to think about this and to ask God to help you with the areas of prejudice you currently have. May God rid us of prejudice and build in us heart and love for all people.

1 comment:

  1. This was a fabulous sermon and really brought to light how prejudice and favoritism can create blind spots in our walk with God. It can cause us to build barriers to relationships with people because we label them in negative ways that are oftentimes irrational. Prejudice and favoritism can go beyond even a dislike of, say, someone's race, ethnicity, or some behavioral quirk. Pride is another factor that can prejudice someone against another person or group of people. Pride in the sense that someone thinks they are smarter, more beautiful, more popular or than another person or group of people. That's also the problem with certain types cliques in which the members think they have the answers and insights to certain things, and label anyone outside of their group as ignorant, uneducated or simple minded. That, in a sense, is also prejudicial, especially if membership is based on embracing a superiority complex of sorts. Thank God that he sees through all of these things, going beyond favoritism and prejudice . . . and searching and knowing the heart of each individual. This sermon really opened my eyes to the countless ways we can all label certain people unfairly. Thanks for such an eye opening and soul searching sermon Gary! You really hit the mark on a number of issues.
