Thursday, July 1, 2010

What is your purpose in life? Look to your passions.

Jesus Christ is the center of our life. It's all about Jesus. With that in mind, what is the spiritual focus in your life and your life purpose? 
We know we are to love God and love our neighbor. We are also commanded to go out and make disciples. But we all have different backgrounds, upbringings, careers, talents, strengths, and spiritual gifts. Is your gift teaching? Evangelism? Outreach? Mentoring? Prayer warrior?
If you are called and gifted in teaching, are you ready to lead a Bible study? Are you more of an organizer, developer, worker, or people person? Use those skills to organize a church event. Or would you enjoy visiting people in the hospital, praying with people, or encouraging those who are going through a tough time?
This week pray about your passion in life. What creates joy, excitement, and expectancy in you? What sets your heart on fire for Jesus?
We are currently study Acts. Dave Kraft in his book, Leaders Who Last, says, "When I read Acts, what I see is boldness, fire, fearlessness, and convictions worth dying for; not obsession with safety or comfort, but pure unadulterated love for Jesus and for the vision he left with us. Passion needs to be recaptured in all its fullness within the ranks of Christian leadership. Away with the ice! Bring on the fire, that consumes, burns away the dross, and gives light and life to a dying world."
Is Jesus the center (the power plant, the driving force) of all of your thoughts, decisions, and actions, all the time, always?
What is the purpose of your life?
What is your ministry?
What is your passion?
To Jesus be the glory, always!

Russ Anderson, Men's Ministry Leader

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