Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Loving Jesus to Death

Road Trip
"What would you do for a Klondike Bar?" We have seen people dress like a chicken, dance like a penguin, and do all sorts of other crazy things for some ice cream covered in chocolate. On the TV show "Wipeout" we see people get beat to a pulp for the chance at $50,000. And a common phrase in our culture is "I would do anything for...". So, what would you be willing to do for Jesus?

Jesus said that anyone who wants to be identified with Him, must take up their cross (die to themselves) and follow Him. This week as we continue on into Acts 21 and 22 we are going to see that Paul is willing to do just that, in a very literal way. We will look at what it means to take up our 21st century cross, and the cost of being a Christ follower.

See ya Sunday,

1 comment:

  1. Our 21st Century Cross we take everytime we mention that we are a Bible believing Chrsitian that will not make excuses or exeptions for our beleifs. Some people have called people who beleive weak or ignorant and I agree; I am. When I see my weakness that allows me to be humble when speaking to another weak human being who is hurting and hungery. I am ignorant of the ways of God and can olny get a glimpse of His ways through the study of His Word, expericing His love, and loving His children.

    We run across people who ask us how can you trust in words that were written 2 to 3 thousand years ago, times have changed a lot haven't they? I respond to them that yes technology has advanced but attitudes and core beleifs in how we relate to the world and God has not.

    Our Cross is very small compared to the in other countries or the founders of our Faith. Although our Cross maybe smaller in comparision it is still painfull and devistating to some. When I take up my cross I relize that I am follow great men and women in an honorable task and I feel God smile on me. This allows me to walk with my cross strong and confidently. Knowing that what ever is next is the best for God and for those within my influence.
