Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This Weekend's Message: One Truth

Is it good to be religious? Does God value religion?

Throughout human history people have always shown some form of religious observance. And throughout history people have always argued and debated over which religious observance is superior.

Is God looking for a specific kind of religious observance from you? If so, which kind? And how are we to determine God's preferred religion?


1 comment:

  1. Jesus stated in John 14 verse 6, "I am the way, the truth and the life. The olny way to the Father is through me." God is looking for me to love him through the power of His Holy Spirit via the death and resurection of Jesus Christ. There are no prescribed group rituals other than the act of taking comunion in the remberance of Christ. I believe the elder board is correct in stating that God is more interested in a true loving relationship with Him than the mindless spirit lacking actsof a religion.
