Monday, June 23, 2008

Reflections: June 21-22, 2008

This week's "Reflection" by Matt Sasso, Pastor of Jr. High Ministries

This weekend we began the series "Life In HD: It¹s In The Mirrors." We looked at how scripture helps us to see that there is a life to which God gives us, and a life to which he calls us to live. As we looked at the question of why buy in to HD life, we hopefully understood a few important reasons of why we should buy in. The first is that God created us to be in His image and buying into this HD life is about reflecting it to others. The second reason to buying in is because we are His reflection. Thirdly, we get to play a part in God¹s will being on earth as it is in heaven.

Living life in HD, is simply being restored
daily into the image that your Heavenly Father created you to be, and reflecting it to others around you. Hopefully this message is reminder for each of us that it is time to do some soul searching as we individually ask God to reveal the areas in our own lives and that we reflect His image to others around us. This week I would love to read your posts about how you are reflecting Christ to those around you as we are used in establishing God¹s will in our communities.

1 comment:

  1. I try and be a reflection of Christ in my attitude and respect towards people, particularly in difficult and frustrating situations. I figure if the response a person would normally get in that situation were one of anger and mine can be different it could leave an impression that can communicate the love that Jesus has for them and has with me on a daily basis.
