Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Reflections: January 3, 2010

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship
To be the church is seriously an issue I wrestle with on some significant levels. First, I consider what being the church means in relationship to my family. As I strive to put them first I have to consider how my attitude and life reflects the love of Jesus to them on a daily basis. Is the patience that I display to my kids the kind that will cause them to go and tell their friends that they know I love Jesus because of the way I love them? Does my communication with my wife demonstrate to her the adoration that her heavenly Father has for her, or does it cause her to question how valuable she is? Far too often I am afraid I fall short, but knowing the call that I have to be the church and make disciples of my family gives me the resolve to work each day to treat them in a way that they can see the heart of Jesus through me.

The same can be asked of our friendships, our attitudes on the job, and in our conflicts. Does what we present to the world cause them to desire to know more about Jesus, or does it cause us to blend in and add to the 40% of Americans who say they have never known a Christian?

This week I ask you to join me in seriously evaluating what your life calls others to believe about you, and about God.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the service this week - Jeff's delivery always seems so transparent - I always leave feeling a personal challenge has been laid before me. Having grown up in a dogmatic environment, I have felt particularly moved over the years to extend myself as a point of grace - trying to convey God's compassion and understanding beyond bitterness or judgmentalness. The Lord continually reminds me this is not a 'human' attribute, but effortless on His part. Surprisingly, it is the unsaved who comment on the 'Christlike' attitude of choice, and I'm able to explain that it is an attitude of choice based on my love for the Lord and what he has taught us all through the Word and the example Christ himself set for us. I have to work really, really hard to do what is effortless for Him. That's why He is God and we are not, and why we need Him. That's why we must choose Him.
