Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Weekend: Wii Believe...Death is Not a Factor

Easter Sunday: 

Wii Believe...Death is Not a Factor
1 Corinthians 15
I think I’m on safe ground to say that no one alive today has ever seen a person who was once dead rise from the dead and come back to life again. And yet every person who calls themselves a Christian puts their entire faith in this one fact. The fact that Jesus Christ, a man who lived on this earth and was executed for claiming to be God, rose from the dead three days after he was buried in a borrowed tomb.
From any angle, believing in this story takes faith. It takes believing in something I’ve never seen. So why should I believe in the resurrection of Jesus? Is there any evidence? And if Jesus did rise from the dead what difference does that make in my life today? That is exactly what we will be talking about this Sunday, Easter 2010.
Remember, if you can attend either the early service (7:30 am) or the last service (11:15 am) that would be great and help provide seats for those additional people who will be with us Sunday. Also please note that the parking lot across the street from the church (the old Albertson’s lot) will be open for use on Sunday. And lastly, I would encourage you to invite someone to come with you to church on Sunday – it could be a life changing experience for them.
He is Risen!
Pastor Gary


  1. Thank you Pastor Gary for your service to our Lord Jesus, for your blog here. I am encouraged and blessed by God's Holy Spirit flowing from your words. I look forward to your message this Easter/Resurection morning as we gather to reflect, to remember who Jesus is really is and the great price He paid on the cross for all of are sins.

    God bless brother,

  2. Thanks Devin, Hey take a look at the questions for the BLOG after the message on Easter. So many times we know important truth but do not take the time to think about what kind of difference it makes in our lives. What we believe should be worked out in how we live - I know that in my preparation for Easter I was challenged to think about the difference the resurrection will make in my life.
