Thursday, April 29, 2010

This Weekend's Message: Be the Church

This Weekend's Message by Gary Keith,
Executive & Teaching Pastor


The Adventure Gets Personal
Acts 2:22-41

When someone asks you, “Can I ask you a personal question?” what is your first thought? Maybe it’s “Oh no what are they going to ask?” And then maybe you think, “Okay how can I answer this without revealing too much about myself?” Many times getting personal can produce uncomfortable feelings and responses from people.

Getting personal is what we will be talking about this week. Peter in his very first (and some say his best) sermon gets personal with the people he is speaking to. But what is so amazing is that while he gets personal with them their response is not one of being guarded or defensive but just the opposite. The people he got personal with responded by believing what he said. And that belief changed their lives forever.
This week as we continue to learn how to “Be the Church” we will look at how to get personal with those who need Jesus and how our getting personal can make a “forever” difference in their life. See you Sunday. Pastor Gary

1 comment:

  1. Gary,
    I so look forward to your teaching Sunday. I all too often focus on MY relationship with the LORD. MY walk. MY life. When in order to "Be the Churh" I need to get my eyes off myself and reach out to those in need of the precious gift of salvation I so easily take for granted. I need instruction, as well as urging, to share my faith with others. So thank you for your faithfullness to always teach us the truth in love. Know we (the Church) are praying for you! God bless you as you prepare to bless us.
