Wednesday, August 1, 2012

This Weekend's Message: Stand-out

During the teenage years, most of us wrestled with a deep desire to be normal. We wanted to fit in and feel at home with those around us. So we adjusted the way we talked, the way we dressed, and activities we did in order not to stand out too much. As adults, we are not so different. We still feel the pressure to fit in with our families, with the people at work, and with the people in our neighborhoods. It is hard to stand out. It can make us feel alone and vulnerable. Most of us would rather blend in.

In his letter, Peter says that those who embrace Christ will not fit in with the world around them. Instead of feeling at home, they will stand out. They will face the loneliness and vulnerability that goes along with the fact that this world is not their home. So, how do you make a conscious choice to stand out?

Dan Franklin

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