Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Ministry Not to be Taken “Lightly”

By Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Worship 

Think about it, when you go into a library (that’s that place you used to have to go to do research before Google and Wikipedia), there is something about that environment that naturally prepares your mind to take in information, to study, and above all else, to be quiet. Likewise, as you walk through the gates of Disneyland, immediately your imagination and wonder kicks in and your emotions and mind are ready for a great time with family or friends.

This idea of environment playing a role in preparing our mind and heart is certainly true in a worship setting as well. And whether it is through music, stage props, or lighting, an environment plays a role in preparing our hearts to worship, consider the things of God, and respond to what He is doing. One of the ministries here at LBF where there is a great need (and opportunity!) is with lighting for our weekend services. We have some great equipment that allows us to create some great environments to coincide with the message of the music and sermons: lights that dim for more personal reflection, colored lights that add warmth and character to the stage. But these lights don’t turn themselves on and off. We need people for that. This is where you come in! Certainly it would be easy to just turn the house lights on and leave them that way through the music and message. Yet it has been scientifically studied and proven that we respond to our environment, which means there is the potential to create a setting more conducive to personal reflection, and focused worship than a gym with fluorescent ceiling lights. Similarly, this belief is why we have a sound system rather than just having someone come out and sing or speak ambiently.

We need volunteers that are willing to be up in the Media Loft (that’s what’s behind those windows above the doors at the back of the Worship Center), using the light board to control the lights in the Worship Center and on the stage during our weekend services. “I don’t know how to operate a light board,” you say? Well, we have people to train you, and even a DVD that we have created to show you how it all works. We will work around your schedule and use you when you say you are available. If you are a behind-the-scenes-type of person, willing to learn, and desire to make a difference here at LBF, then this may be the ministry for you.

This is a desperate need right now as we currently have only one volunteer. We need at least two more! Please consider finding out more about this really cool opportunity to make a big difference in the life of our church. To get more info or to volunteer, please email Jeff Taylor at jeff@lbfchurch.com. Or write it on your K.I.T. card next Sunday!

Thank you for your prayerful consideration in getting involved with this ministry at LBF.

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