Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reflections: January 30, 2011

This week's "Reflection" by Jeff Taylor, Pastor of Teaching & Worship

Religious routine, though often noble and well-intentioned, can so easily become mindless. It is these mindless routines that rob us of the lessons that scripture has for us and the new and exciting things that God wants to work in and through our lives.

Being randomly generous is always something that we need to be ready for, but what about being intentionally generous, or as we seek God, being open to be directionally generous to the things and people that God leads us to?

This series has been good for me as it has made me more aware of the need in my life to seek God for opportunities to be generous, rather than just leaving it up to my own awareness. Being open to God to direct my generosity may mean that at some point I will be called to give beyond my comfort zone. It may mean that I am called to give in areas that my heart may be a bit calloused and I don't "feel" like being generous. But as I am called to first give myself to God as a living sacrifice, it means that ultimately I am committing all of who I am and what I have for His good will. That is the place I want to be more than anything else.

Will you join me in continuing to pray for open hearts, a generous spirit, and a mighty move of God that would be defined by generosity through His people?


  1. Sunday AM great, Sunday night live even better, must have been that guitar ??

  2. I have been watching the Sunday messages online. They are great; however, could you possibly record the prayer at the end of the service??
